5 Mobile App Facts from 2022


As we close 2022, we always want to reflect on the app industry’s growth. There was an increase in the number of users and mobile apps there are to download in 2022. With that in mind, we have pulled five mobile app statistics and facts from this year. Cover the basics of average screen time, mobile app stores, mobile app features to include in 2023, and how frequently users are on their phones reopening an app. 

There are over 6.6 million smartphone users and over 1.14 billion tablet users globally (Statistica). It’s no secret why the app industry is growing and thriving, and there are no foreseeable reasons that it will slow down anytime soon. 

1. About 90% of screen time is spent using an app 

Think of all the applications you use. There is an app for just nearly everything; shopping, games, food, etc. On average, a person is opening their phone every 5.5 minutes! 

2. Android Google Play Store vs. Apple App Store

Have you been brainstorming and deciding if you should build a mobile app? What about determining if the framework will be available via Android Google PlayStore, Apple App Store, or both? The Google Play Store has over 2.87 million apps available for download,, which is a good amount more than the Apple App Store at 1.96 million. This shows that not every company makes their app available for both phone users, which by positioning your mobile app available on both platforms may give you the upper hand. 

3. App Lifespan is 72 Hours

We all have downloaded an app, used it a few times, and then completely forgotten about it. When a mobile app is downloaded, it is vital to keep the user engaged. You can do so by pushing notifications, and providing an experience within the app like a loyalty program, sample program or dashboards with fun facts/stats. Sadly, if you don’t keep the app user engaged an app lifespan is usually only 72 hours… that is just 3 short days that someone is intouch with a mobile app before they decide not to open it again.. 

4. Mobile Shopping Apps are the Future 

Technology is constantly evolving and changing! Apps are becoming high-tech to keep users engaged, and mobile shopping apps in addition to including video components in apps is the future. Having a few of these functionalities available will keep users engaged. Studies have shown that people spend more time shopping through a mobile app over mobile and desktop websites. People want the convenience of shopping through the app and it allows them to not get side tracked searching for something else. Plus we all know how much people watch content on their mobile devices – so more mobile apps are including some sort of video feature like tutorials, how-tos, classes, etc. 

5. 36.8 Billon Apps Downloaded in 2022 

Truelist App Stats says that 36.8 billion apps were downloaded in 2022. That is an average of 50-80 application per person downloaded on a single smartphone! Even though there are a lot of mobile apps available to download, a lot of people are looking for ways to stay in touch with the brands and people they love through a customized experience, like a mobile app.