Don’t Do This, Do This – Direct Selling Engagement Done Right


Engagement is an important part of modern marketing.

Each time you have contact with an online customer, you have an opportunity to engage your target audience. Broadcasting your online activity widely through public domains will help you create significant organic exposure for your direct selling business.

Wise online marketers understand that you cannot create engagement in direct selling with just one ad or just one publication.

The best way to increase engagement is through wide exposure.

Your company’s vision or image doesn’t matter if you fail to attract your target audience. Your prospective customer’s journey from awareness to conversion happens across various devices, multiple visits, and touch points.

Since planning the right mix of channels can be tricky, you should offer campaigns with the perfect combination of engagement activities.

The Do’s:

  1. Know your target audience. Who will be buying your product? The first step in creating engagement in direct selling is learning about your customer base. If you know their needs and wants, you can make your plan to deliver it directly to them.
  2. Stay consistent. It is important to maintain a consistent strong image if you want to generate engagement in direct selling. Since social media is a great tool for marketing to your target audience, you must have accounts on each available platform to have a wider reach. However, you must also make sure your message is clear and consistent across all channels.
  3. Get organized with a checklist. These very helpful tools are essential for managing your direct selling business. It is a good way to track your successes and identify improvements you can make in your business. Make detailed lists to make sure you don’t miss any steps. Focusing on the details now will save you time and trouble later.
  4. Be unique, be interesting.  A boring sales pitch or personality won’t attract customers, right? The same concept applies to online engagement. To attract new potential customers, offer them something fresh and new.
  5. Be 100% original. Take a chance and unleash your creativity in everything you post. Let people know what makes you stand out from the competition. Creating brand awareness and being passionate about your business will attract new customers and keep them engaged.

The Don’ts:

  1. Don’t delete negative reviews. Responding to an upset customer immediately and resolving their issue will make them happy. As a result, their experience will create positive PR that will help you gain more customers and sales.
  2. Don’t bombard customers with spam.  Make sure to create new content regularly and resist the temptation to post too often.  Wait until you have valuable information to share. Let your customer base look forward to hearing from you.
  3. Don’t ignore customer feedback. Instead of ignoring relevant comments, you can use comments from your customers and visitors to have positive interactions with your followers. Periodic engagement will let them know you are paying attention to what they have to say, and they will be confident in your ability to address their concerns.

If you follow these guidelines you will have better foundation when creating content that creates engagements with your distributors.