Gamification Ideas for Directing Selling Companies

4 Gamification Ideas for Directing Selling Companies

Games have existed for as long as we human have. Be it for fun, training, or even survival, every one of us loves to...

How to Effectively Bring Distributors Onboard Using Gamification

Gamification is essentially utilizing game mechanics to encourage and motivate participation, engagement, and loyalty in the workplace. From daily operations to social media, gamification...

How To Engage Millennials With Gamification in Your Direct Selling Company

If you want to broaden your target market, you’ll need to woo Millennials. These people make up the tech-savvy Generation Y that grew up...

Can Gamification in Direct Selling Increase Customer Retention?

“Rewards for actions!” That’s all you need to emphasize if you want to catch someone’s attention. Humans are conditioned by positive reinforcement, and it’s...
Gamification for direct selling companies

Gamification for Direct Selling Companies is a Must

Have you ever collected frequent flyer miles for your travels? Ever filled out a profile on social media to reach 100% completeness? Ever watched a 30-second...

Email Marketing For Direct Selling Companies

If you really want to impact your email marketing strategy, pay close attention! When it comes to email marketing, most direct selling companies do the...

3 Ways To Use Gamification to Drive Better Mentoring in Direct Selling

Have you ever been addicted to a game? You don't have to be an avid gamer to have experienced that compulsive feeling of having...

How Gamification Can Help Crush Your Revenue Goals

Human beings are psychologically wired to play games, to go on mini-quests, to feel pleasure in hitting small, reachable goals. This is why videos...
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