In multi-level marketing (MLM), having a robust mobile app is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. The features that constitute a powerful MLM mobile app have evolved, incorporating advanced technology and user-centric design to support distributors and enhance productivity. This article delves into the core features you need in an MLM mobile app to...
When starting the journey of developing a mobile app for your MLM, direct sales or affiliate marketing business, you're faced with a pivotal decision: should you build the app in-house, or opt for a pre-built solution? This choice significantly affects the app’s functionality, how well it aligns with your business objectives, and the cost...
In the last decade, few industries have undergone as much transformation as direct selling. Once reliant solely on in-person interactions and traditional sales methods, the direct selling industry is now poised on the cusp of a new era, driven by technology, shifting consumer behaviors, and global market trends. Let's explore what lies ahead for...
Launching a mobile app is a strategic move for any company, especially in the direct-selling industry. It's not just about having a digital presence but ensuring that your app embodies your company’s mission and enhances your branding. This guide will walk you through aligning your app with these essential aspects of your business to...
In the field of Learning and Development (L&D), gamification continues to play a crucial role in shaping the future of corporate training and education. As we progress through 2024, the integration of game mechanics in non-game contexts, particularly in training, represents not just an innovation but a key strategic adoption. This article explores the...