There is a BIG shift in the Direct Selling industry towards an Affiliate Model of E-Commerce. This new, emerging hybrid of Direct Selling and Affiliate Marketing will become the norm in just a few short years. The Next Version of Direct Selling? An Affiliate Model (Click through Model) is the next version of the direct...
You've just earned a customer base milestone in the last month, but the number of customers you have still isn't enough to surpass the biggest brands in the world. Sometimes, you find yourself asking, "How did they do it?" It's a tough question to answer, and you're not the only one asking. Direct selling businesses, just...
Direct Selling Companies can now garner a multitude of data relevant for making business decisions. Everything can be analyzed with digital analytics, from user behavior and preferences, all the way to performance projections. While accessing data has never been easier, too much information can be overwhelming. Recent surveys suggest that 65% of sales leaders admit that...
For years, direct selling companies have empowered countless individuals worldwide. Though direct selling might have once had a bad reputation, the core values that power these companies are practical for plenty of individuals, especially women who want to thrive without having to sacrifice their existing priorities and responsibilities. Not to mention, in direct sales,...
When it comes to apps specifically tailored for direct selling companies, there are two options to consider: Option 1 is paying to use an existing app. You could pay for an app that has already been developed exclusively for direct selling companies. There are several benefits: You won’t have to wait too long for the actual launch. The...