There are two types of direct selling companies during the holidays: 1) those who take a break during Christmas time, and 2) those who press the accelerator during the holiday season. Go for the latter. After all, the Christmas season is the busiest time of the year for sales. And direct selling during the...
2018 is just a couple of weeks away. As such, direct selling executives need to pay close attention to direct selling trends. Keeping an eye on these developments can make a huge difference in your business. Here are five trends that we are projecting for the next year: Mobile Continues to Dominate Over 90% of Internet users...
If you want to broaden your target market, you’ll need to woo Millennials. These people make up the tech-savvy Generation Y that grew up during the height of the Information Age, and they really know how to spread the message when they fall in love with a brand. In the US alone, Generation Y has...
“Rewards for actions!” That’s all you need to emphasize if you want to catch someone’s attention. Humans are conditioned by positive reinforcement, and it’s no different if you want to condition your customers to stick around. In gamification, the concept of “rewards for actions” is the driving force. Think about the last time you were...
See that new weight-loss drink shared on Facebook? Or that cute dog collar photo retweeted on Twitter? Or that hashtag-heavy statement shirt on Instagram? From beauty supplies to cookware, social media for direct selling companies can be seen all over, and for good reasons. Social media provides a more efficient way of promoting your products, while still providing...