Have you ever been addicted to a game? You don't have to be an avid gamer to have experienced that compulsive feeling of having to reach the next level, collect the next item, or smash through your previous high score. Well-made games play off some very deeply-seated human tendencies, and this is why most...
Mobile Internet use is now ubiquitous in our society, and people tend to spend a lot more time in front of their phones than their home computers. While the benefits of this constant need for connectivity is arguable in general, there is no doubt that in direct sales—where time is often of the essence—having...
Human beings are psychologically wired to play games, to go on mini-quests, to feel pleasure in hitting small, reachable goals. This is why videos games and gambling are so addictive in certain people; we are rewarded by short bursts of upward progress and by the occasional random item that is tossed our way. You...
When it comes to recruiting people in the direct sales and network marketing industry to join your team, the faster you move the better. However, many forget the importance of training their new recruits and expanding their downline with future leaders. If your company has a fast start program, make sure you encourage all...