Has the industry of direct selling changed much in the last decade or so? Given the massive transformation that the world at large has gone through, even those with limited knowledge of the business could probably answer that: Yes. Absolutely, yes. Direct selling has always relied on the importance of the social network to bring...
In part 1, we shared two important points with you: Distributors want their compensation plan to be easy to explain and fair for everybody. They want instant deposits, not physical checks. In both cases, we provided you potential solutions to implement. Today, we’ll continue to part 2, What You Distributors Won’t Tell (Direct Selling Industry Insights)… REPORTS REPORTS REPORTS How can...
For the past few months, we’ve talked to distributors, hostesses and distributors from a variety of direct selling companies. We asked them serious questions - questions they wouldn’t feel comfortable telling you at corporate. Because of the depth and breadth of this feedback, we’re dividing it into a series of articles. Here’s the first part,...
As a direct selling company, you want to be ahead of the market when it comes to innovation of new technology. Distributors get discouraged when their company fails to supply new technology and toolsets to achieve their needs. Here are some smart mobile solutions you can implement for your direct selling company and distributors.   Mobile Friendly...
In direct sales, 1+1 should not equal 2. In direct sales, 1+1 can be 4 or 10 or 100. I witnessed exponential growth when my company hit 33 million dollars in revenue in my second year, that’s when I noticed that every detail matters. One of the biggest factors in growing exponentially is the ability to onboard...