sampling in direct selling

The Power of Sampling in Direct Selling

Providing a product sample cuts through the marketing noise and can sway a prospect towards making a favorable purchasing decision.
Theorem Method Products

Theorem Method Launches As A Direct Selling Company

There is no denying that 2020 has been a year like no other. For Theorem Method, this year represents an exciting milestone in the...

Now that you have your backoffice, who handles future development?

Congratulations, after all the demos and sales pitches, you have finally found your backoffice CRM provider. Over the next few months you will work...

3 reasons New Direct Selling Companies Struggle With Software

System Administrators Not Familiar with Backoffice With limited resources available, Direct Selling startups struggle with managing their backoffice CRM system and the many other integrated...

Choosing the Right Software Provider for Your Direct Sales Company: The Do’s and Don’ts

Selecting the right software provider is a critical decision for any direct sales company. The choice will significantly impact your distributors' success and overall...

Direct Selling Trends in the Digital Era: Embracing Mobile App Technology

The direct selling industry is experiencing a transformative shift in the digital era, driven by the integration of mobile app technology. Here, we delve...

Mobile App Strategies for Direct Selling

In the direct selling industry, mobile app marketing plays a pivotal role in reaching and engaging distributors and customers. Here are tailored strategies to...

Top Things to Look for When Hiring an MLM Software Development Company

In the world of network marketing, the backbone of any successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business is undoubtedly its MLM software. The right MLM software...

Empowering Direct Sellers with Innovative Mobile Apps

In multi-level marketing (MLM) and direct selling, mobile technology stands as a core driver of transformative change, altering the dynamics of communication among businesses,...

Comprehensive Glossary of Direct Sales and MLM Terms

The direct sales and multi-level marketing (MLM) industry is rich with unique terminology that can often be overwhelming for newcomers and even for those...
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